Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pretty Purse.

This post is for Monday, February 21.
I am approximately 1 month away from the event I am co-chairing. Above is one of the purses that we are highlighting on our Facebook page and the start to the many more we will be showcasing. The above pic is of the awesome purse and wallet donated from Three Rivers Decorating, along with a scarf and jewelry set I am donating! :)
PS - Happy Birthday to my big bro! Hope you have a great one!


this post is for Sunday, February 20.

I have some of the most uneventful Sundays! I think that is a good thing though :)
The above pic is of the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy. Tradition is to throw a coin over your shoulder across your body and make a wish. I did that when I was there in September, and my wish came true!

And Then, There was Light.

this post is for Saturday, February 19.
24 hours later from our Menards shopping trip.. #1.. the basement has many outlets, lights, and wires placed. There is still alot left to do with the wiring, but where the guys got to was a great start. What excites me the most, is my outlet in my foyer. Who knew that 1 single outlet in a 10x6' space would excite someone so much. You don't realize all the places you need outlets until you have to vacuum! PS, if you build a house, don't forget to put an outlet in your foyer entry way.. And for those counting, between my dad, my husband and myself, there were 3 trips to menards today, bringing the weekend total so far to 4.

Spend Big Money at..

this post is for Friday, February 18.

Some may think that Friday nights are for movies, restaurants, bars, going out.. but when you are kinda boring like us, you spend your evening at Menards. Oh, I love this place. We are in the process of "finishing" our basement. I would say that we are very far from the finish, more like, 1 mile in to a marathon. My Dad is coming up tomorrow to help put in the electrical, so we went to get things to start the project. I estimate that the Menards visits will total 3 times over the next couple of days :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Diet Busters.

Don't get me wrong, I love these things.. but oh, they do a number on my diet. I told myself today, I was going to be good, but somehow.. these boxes ended up in kitchen from out of the freezer.. hmm, I wonder how that happened. I love love love them..so good, but so bad for my diet! Back to the freezer they go!

Donations, Donations, Donations!!

this post is for Wednesday, February 16.
As I am prepping for one of my bigger events of the year, I spent time gathering the donations we have received to start inventorying. The next month will be busy narrowing down sponsorships and getting tons more purses and things to fill them! If you want to donate or be a sponsor, let me know!

Old School Love.

this post is for Tuesday, Feburary 15.
For valentine's day, we didn't do a whole lot, other than cook steaks and have Kreik (only the best belgium beer!) for a low key night. We thought that everyone was going to be out on Monday, so we celebrated our "movie date" today. We did it old school style - back row of the cheap seats to see a movie set to be on DVD in like 2 weeks. Arm around eachother, maybe a smooch or two.. happy valentine's day, its the old school love!

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Crazy Little Thing Called Love.

I have an awesome husband! Yes, I had that heart-melting feeling when I got these today. Sure Valentine's day is one of those holidays created by Hallmark, but I still love this day. It started off by getting one of those old-school valentines from a co-worker, which was awesome, then these flowers arrived! Ooohh.. Ahhh. :) It made my cube smell awesome! Thanks Babe! Love you!

Fargo Needs This!

this post is for Sunday, February 13.
One of my favoritest things to do while in the Twin Cities is go to Trader Joes. Something about their natural and organic foods get me, and well, the 3 buck chuck. If Fargo were to get 1 business, I would love for one of these. Don't get me wrong, I shop at big box grocers, but sometimes it would be nice just to pop in, grab an item or two and be out in 5 minutes.

Kid at Heart

this post is for Saturday, February 12.
Today, we spent the afternoon and evening at Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America. We had a blast riding the rides, just like we were teenagers! Nothing like a great thrill. There are some super fun rides there. Our day was also spent shopping and just bumming around.


this post is for Friday, Febuary 11.
I promise, I didn't have this planned out as I blogged yesterday. This is bloom. Bloom (the name I choose!) is the plant that we brought back to life! This is what 2.5 years can do for a plant!
(for those at my work.. yes, this is the same plant!)

Blast from the Past.. Plant's Sister.. Reborn.

this post is for Thursday, February 10.
Today was one of those days I honestly gapped the taking a picture to showcase. But the thing is, it was an eventful day! I have to send huge thank you's to the ladies I met with at Flint Communications this afternoon. They gave me so much insight for my Purses & Pearls event! Now I just have to do what they suggested!!!
The pic I am going back in time too is.. the pic of my plant. A couple of christmas' ago, my manager at work got all of the girls christmas cactus'. I went on vacation sometime after getting my plant and I came back to it being "overwatered." This in turned left my plant to dwindle in life. I brought my plant home to my mom and she brought it back! This pic was taken on 5/2008. The next time I go home, I will get a picture of the plant to show all, it has came back! Since I named my bestie's plant.. "plant," I need a name for mine.. hmm, let me ponder.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Busy Busy!

My photo moment.. or moments of the day have been in front of a computer of sorts. Today was the day I decided to really get my rear-end in gear for all of the upcoming events in my life. I have spent a couple of hours promoting and organizing pieces of the Purses and Pearls event which is just over a month away.. (eek!) and then I started consulting about another event with an individual for June! If I didn't love my full-time, day job.. I seriously could make event planning in to one!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pretty Wings.

Today my mom made a quick trip up to Fargo for an appointment and she brought some awesome stuff with her! My mom is a Close to my Heart scrapbooking consultant and she got me a ton of stuff from their new spring line called, Wings! It is a beautiful line of dark colors and butterflys. I am soooo excited to start using it! It was awesome to recieve these things after a day of having to have all of my ducks in a row workwise. All was great at the end of the day, but it was a great break to get to unwind and spend some time with her.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Basement Completion - Part 1

Round 1 of getting our basement completed has been finished. A big thank you to my husband for getting all of the stud walls and closets framed up. We are in no hurry to get our basement completely finished, but there are some parts that would be great to be done. First up, our office. Since we both have our own businesses, we felt we needed a space solely for that. It was very exciting today as my husband received a call for a home inspection tomorrow! (yeay!) Stay tuned as more "rounds" get completed!


this post is for Sunday, February 6.
I love to cook. Most of my closest friends know that as well. I love to have people over to our home to share this as well. Most of our closest friends know this too. Anytime we have people over, it is a feast. The picture above is the food after half-time. Everything was awesome and thank you to our guest that brought things too - sooo good!

Why didn't someone notify me of these sooner?!?!

this post is for Saturday, February 5.
Flannel sheets. Yes, the best thing ever! I am somewhat embarrassed to state that this is the first I have ever had flannel sheets. We received a set I think last year for Christmas, and always had intentions of putting them on our bed.. but didn't. What were we waiting for?!?! One would think that when it gets almost -40 that these were the thing you just put on your bed, but apparently we are behind the times. No worry, we learned our lesson!


this post is for Friday, February 4.
The Fargo Force hockey games are always a great time. It has been a couple of months since the last game we attended, so we thought it would be a great Friday night activity! The Force lost 2-1, but it was a great game.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


In less than 36 hours, the temperature has changed over 49 degrees. I think the high of today hit 30, or just around that. As much as I did not want my blog to showcase pictures of the weather.. when its COLD and blizzarding, we tend to hibernate. I am really, really hoping that the spring/summer/fall are nice, so my pictures can be of more "picturesque" things!

Burr. Part Deux.

this post is for Wednesday, February 2.
No explaination needed, it's that cold out. This was taken at 7:15 am. Oh, so cold.

Flashback #3 - Grain Bins

this post is for Tuesday, February 1.
I took this picture a couple of years ago for my Grandpa. To celebrate his birthday, I took pictures of their farm and made a book for him. The book was to let him see his farm whenever he wanted, as he was in a nursing home at the time. He passed a year ago and I felt as February became upon us, it would be great to remember him. I love the farm and everything that is there. I spent many days there as a child and it is such a freeing place that I could run and be a kid.